1. Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Creator/Stanisław Ignacy ...
Worshipers of Cunt-lism. . . I 1275, 1930-07-06, No/unknown value, https://www.ubugallery.com/pdf/2006_WITKACY_Catalogue.pdf · Q109321531 · Portrait of ...
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2. Dystans 1/4 - STS-TIMING.PL - WYNIKI
MAJCHRZAK Michał, POL, M, TGV Club, M30, 2, 7, 00:12:45, 00:02:18, 01:06:12, 00 ... ANAL CUNT 1-OS. TEAM, M40, 19, 106, 00:13:19, 00:02:31, 01:18:13, 00:02:31, 00 ...
3. Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Catalog/Witkacy: KDM
Portret Michała Choromańskiego, Portrait of Michał Choromański, MNK III ... Worshipers of Cunt-lism. . . I 1275, 1930-07-06, No/unknown value. Q107311655 ...
End of automatically generated list.
4. [PDF] Enea Bydgoszcz Triathlon 07.07.2018 r. Dystans: 1/4
7 jul 2018 · ANAL CUNT 1OS. TEAM. POL. 1976. M40. 19. 00:13:19. 19. 00:02:31. 01:18:13 ... 1204 KRZYWICKI Mateusz. DECATHLON TEAM. POL. 1996. M18. 34. 00:21:44.
5. Full text of "Pamiętniki Marcina Matuszewicza, kasztelana ...
... cunt, sed cum uUum nuspiam auxilium sperent, cum propriis — i9 ... Michał Kuszelewski podskarbi trybunalski de- puut województwa witebskiego, zeszły ...
6. Support Archive | Hobie
14 nov 2024 · Smug Cunt by John Grant — Song. My Beloved Twin Flame... Stephan ... Krzywicki — Song? 잘있거라 황진이 de l'artista 김준규: cançó ...
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7. words.txt
... CUNT 29687 CUNY 29688 CUNY'S 29689 CUOCO 29690 CUOMO 29691 CUOMO'S 29692 ... KRZYWICKI 71632 KRZYZANOWSKI 71633 KS 71634 KSIAZEK 71635 KSJO 71636 KSPR ...
8. rhymes.txt - Chiark.greenend.org.uk
... cunt 1 792 cuny 2 -5689 cuoco 2 -2363 cuomo 2 -3892 cuong 1 1430 cuozzo 2 ... krzywicki -3 -3437 ku 1 160 kuala 2 -498 kuan 1 191 kuba 2 -2446 kubacki ...
# This is a list of English-language words, based ultimately on CMUDict. # For the licence, see below. # Contact Thomas Thurman for information. # # Words which appear in this list must be # - words which have at least three plausible English rhymes # (e.g. "pint" is not in the list) # - words which can fit into iambic verse. In other words, # they must consist of alternating stressed and unstressed # syllables. # Each row has three fields, separated by spaces. The first # is the word. The absolute value of the second is the number # of syllables in the word. The absolute value of the third # is a unique code for the rhyme. All words with the # same value in the rhyme code will rhyme with one another. # # 0 and -1 are not used as syllable counts. A monosyllabic word # has a syllable count of 1. # # Iff the syllable count is negative, the word begins on an unstressed # syllable. Iff the rhyme code is negative, the word ends on an # unstressed syllable. Note that positive rhyme codes will not usually # rhyme with negative in English poetry. # # Examples: # calibration 4 -67 # is stressed as "CA li BRA tion" # and rhymes with other words with rhyme code -67, such as: # administration -5 -67 # # The copyright notice for CMUDict is as follows: # # ======================================================================== # Copyright (C) 1993-2008 Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in sourc...